H3HV Hollow Shaft Parallel Shaft Helical Gear Unit with Vertical mounted

H1HV H2HV H3HV H4HV Hollow Shaft Parallel Shaft Helical Gear Unit

المعلمات الفنية:

النماذج المتاحة H1HV03~H1HV19, H2HV4~H2HV26, H3HV5~H3HV26, H4HV7~H4HV26
نسبة 1.25~450
قوة الإدخال 5.5 ~ 4400 كيلوواط
أقصى عزم الدوران 2.9~900 kN.m


H series parallel shaft helical gearbox is designed based on module with parallel shaft. The transmission torque distribution curve is excellent, suitable for heavy load conditions. It adopts advanced grinding technology and shape modification technology, which has high bearing capacity, reliable operation and low noise. The box body is made of high-quality casting to improve the mechanical strength and seismic performance of the reducer. Numerous mounting options are available.


  • اعتماد تصميم وحدات محسنة.
  • Parallel shaft output form.
  • منحنى توزيع عزم دوران الإرسال ممتاز ، مناسب لظروف الحمل الثقيلة.
  • إنها تتبنى تقنية الطحن المتقدمة وتقنية تعديل الشكل ، والتي تتمتع بسعة تحمل عالية وتشغيل موثوق وضوضاء منخفضة.
  • يتكون جسم الصندوق من صب عالي الجودة لتحسين القوة الميكانيكية والأداء الزلزالي للمخفض.
  • تتوفر العديد من خيارات التثبيت.

شكل المنتج

  • Transmission Stage: single stage, 2 stage, 3 stage, 4 stage.
  • التثبيت: مثبتة أفقية ، مثبتة رأسية
  • الإخراج الموازي: رمح صلب ، رمح جوفاء (مفتاح مسطح ، قرص تقليص ، خط انتشار) ، عمود صلب شاق ، رمح ذو حواف
  • Configuration options: With auxiliary tank, with oil pump, with cooling fan, with backstop, with hydraulic coupling, with gear unit swing-base

البيانات الفنية

  • Size: H3HV12-50-A, H1HV03~H1HV19, H2HV4~H2HV26, H3HV5~H3HV26, H4HV7~H4HV26
  • Technical Data(kN·m): 2.9~900
  • Gear Ratio: 1.25~450
  • Input Power(kW):5.5~4400

النماذج المتاحة

مرحلة الإرسال نسبة(i) النماذج
H1 1.255.6 H1HV3, H1HV5, H1HV7, H1HV11, H1HV13, H1HV15, H1HV17, H1HV19
H2 6.328 H2HV4, H2HV5, H2HV6, H2HV7, H2HV8, H2HV9, H2HV10, H2HV11, H2HV12, H2HV13, H2HV14, H2HV15, H2HV16, H2HV17, H2HV18, H2HV19, H2HV20, H2HV21, H2HV22, H2HV23, H2HV24, H2HV25, H2HV26
H3 25112

H3HV5, H3HV6, H3HV7, H3HV8, H3HV9, H3HV10, H3HV11, H3HV12, H3HV13, H3HV14, H3HV15, H3HV16, H3HV17, H3HV18, H3HV19, H3HV20, H3HV21, H3HV22, H3HV23, H3HV24, H3HV25, H3HV26

H4 90450 H4HV7, H4HV8, H4HV9, H4HV10, H4HV11, H4HV12, H4HV13, H4HV14, H4HV15, H4HV16, H4HV17, H4HV18, H4HV19, H4HV20, H4HV21, H4HV22, H4HV23, H4HV24, H4HV25, H4HV26

الكتابة والتعيين

HB Flender Industrial Type Type Type

موقف التثبيت

HB Flender Industrial Tearbox Position

رسم هيكل

HB Series Series Industrial Bear Structure Drawing

تصميم وحدات

Parallel shaft gear unit modular design

صور المنتج

H3HV12 Parallel Shaft Helical Gear Box
H3HV12 Parallel Shaft Helical Gear Box
H3SH6 Parallel Shaft Helical Gearbox
H3SH6 Parallel Shaft Helical Gearbox
FLK H3SH12 Helical Reduction Gear Box
H3SH12 Helical Reduction Gear Box


Parallel shaft helical industrial gearboxes are widely used in light industry, food, beer and beverage, chemical industry, escalators, automatic storage equipment, construction, machinery, iron and steel metallurgy, paper-making, wood-based panel machinery, automobile manufacturing, tobacco machinery, water conservancy, printing and packaging, pharmaceutical, textile, building materials, logistics, feed machinery, environmental protection and other fields.

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