MRD drive gearbox

MRD محرك أقراص علب التروس

We provide MRD drive gearboxes. MRD Drive is one of our brand of Shanghai MRD Machinery Manufacture Co., Ltd.

MRD Drive Gearboxes for Port Machinery

Available models:

1. RTG Anti-Sway Reducer:

2. RTG Hoisting Emergency Reducer:

  • K97-I-Y7.5-4P-M4;K107-I-Y18.5-4P-M4
  • XWEY85-I-YEJ-4P-3KW-B3

3. RTG Stowage Pin Reducer: WPWDS135-I-DZ1

4. RTG Limit Reducer:

  • T2-1:1-1-1-L-B3
  • T2-1:1-1-LR-B3
  • T2-1:1-1-LR-O-B3
  • T2-1:1-1-1-LR-B3
  • T2-1-LR-B3

ملحوظة: “Iin the model stands for ratio.