H3HV Hollow Shaft Parallel Shaft Helical Gear Unit with Vertical mounted

H1HV H2HV H3HV H4HV Hollow Shaft Parallel Shaft Helical Gear Unit

Technické parametry:

Dostupné modely H1HV03~H1HV19, H2HV4~H2HV26, H3HV5~H3HV26, H4HV7~H4HV26
Poměr 1.25~450
Vstupní výkon 5.5~4400 kW
Maximální točivý moment 2.9~900 kN.m


H series parallel shaft helical gearbox is designed based on module with parallel shaft. The transmission torque distribution curve is excellent, suitable for heavy load conditions. It adopts advanced grinding technology and shape modification technology, which has high bearing capacity, reliable operation and low noise. The box body is made of high-quality casting to improve the mechanical strength and seismic performance of the reducer. Numerous mounting options are available.


  • Adopt optimized modular design.
  • Parallel shaft output form.
  • The transmission torque distribution curve is excellent, suitable for heavy load conditions.
  • Přijímá pokročilou technologii broušení a technologii úpravy tvaru, která má vysokou nosnost, spolehlivý provoz a nízkou hlučnost.
  • The box body is made of high-quality casting to improve the mechanical strength and seismic performance of the reducer.
  • Numerous mounting options are available.

Formulář produktu

  • Transmission Stage: single stage, 2 stage, 3 stage, 4 stage.
  • Mounting: Horizontal mounted, Vertical mounted
  • Parallel Output: Solid shaft, Hollow shaft ( flat key, shrink disk, involute spline), Splined solid shaft, flanged shaft
  • Configuration options: With auxiliary tank, with oil pump, with cooling fan, with backstop, with hydraulic coupling, with gear unit swing-base

Technická data

  • Size: H3HV12-50-A, H1HV03~H1HV19, H2HV4~H2HV26, H3HV5~H3HV26, H4HV7~H4HV26
  • Technical Data(kN·m): 2.9~900
  • Gear Ratio: 1.25~450
  • Input Power(kW):5.5~4400

Dostupné modely

Transmission stage Poměr(i) Models
H1 1.255.6 H1HV3, H1HV5, H1HV7, H1HV11, H1HV13, H1HV15, H1HV17, H1HV19
H2 6.328 H2HV4, H2HV5, H2HV6, H2HV7, H2HV8, H2HV9, H2HV10, H2HV11, H2HV12, H2HV13, H2HV14, H2HV15, H2HV16, H2HV17, H2HV18, H2HV19, H2HV20, H2HV21, H2HV22, H2HV23, H2HV24, H2HV25, H2HV26
H3 25112

H3HV5, H3HV6, H3HV7, H3HV8, H3HV9, H3HV10, H3HV11, H3HV12, H3HV13, H3HV14, H3HV15, H3HV16, H3HV17, H3HV18, H3HV19, H3HV20, H3HV21, H3HV22, H3HV23, H3HV24, H3HV25, H3HV26

H4 90450 H4HV7, H4HV8, H4HV9, H4HV10, H4HV11, H4HV12, H4HV13, H4HV14, H4HV15, H4HV16, H4HV17, H4HV18, H4HV19, H4HV20, H4HV21, H4HV22, H4HV23, H4HV24, H4HV25, H4HV26

Typ a označení

HB FLENDER industrial gearbox type designation

Montážní poloha

HB FLENDER industrial gearbox mounting position

Strukturní výkres

HB series industrial gearbox structure drawing


Parallel shaft gear unit modular design


H3HV12 Parallel Shaft Helical Gear Box
H3HV12 Parallel Shaft Helical Gear Box
H3SH6 Parallel Shaft Helical Gearbox
H3SH6 Parallel Shaft Helical Gearbox
FLK H3SH12 Helical Reduction Gear Box
H3SH12 Helical Reduction Gear Box


Parallel shaft helical industrial gearboxes jsou široce používány v lehkém průmyslu, potravinářství, pivu a nápojích, chemickém průmyslu, eskalátorech, automatických skladovacích zařízeních, stavebnictví, strojírenství, metalurgii železa a oceli, výrobě papíru, strojích na výrobu panelů na bázi dřeva, výrobě automobilů, tabákových strojích, ochraně vody, tisk a balení, farmacie, textil, stavební materiály, logistika, krmivářské stroje, ochrana životního prostředí a další obory.

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