Three Stage Parallel Shaft Helical Reduction Industrial Gearboxes
Technical Parameters:
Modalan rim faighinn | H3SH4~H3SH26 |
Co-mheas | 25~112 |
Cumhachd cuir a-steach | 5.5~4400 kW |
Max torque | 2.9~900 kN.m |
Parallel shaft helical reduction industrial gearboxes are designed based on module with parallel shaft. The transmission torque distribution curve is excellent, suitable for heavy load conditions. It adopts advanced grinding technology and shape modification technology, which has high bearing capacity, reliable operation and low noise. The box body is made of high-quality casting to improve the mechanical strength and seismic performance of the reducer. Numerous mounting options are available.
- Adopt optimized modular design.
- Parallel shaft output form.
- The transmission torque distribution curve is excellent, suitable for heavy load conditions.
- It adopts advanced grinding technology and shape modification technology, which has high bearing capacity, reliable operation and low noise.
- The box body is made of high-quality casting to improve the mechanical strength and seismic performance of the reducer.
- Numerous mounting options are available.
Foirm toraidh
- Transmission Stage: single stage, 2 stage, 3 stage, 4 stage.
- Mounting: Horizontal mounted, Vertical mounted
- Parallel Output: Solid shaft, Hollow shaft ( flat key, shrink disk, involute spline), Splined solid shaft, flanged shaft
- Configuration options: With auxiliary tank, with oil pump, with cooling fan, with backstop, with hydraulic coupling, with gear unit swing-base
Dàta Teicnigeach
- Size: H3HV12-50-A, H1HV03~H1HV19, H2HV4~H2HV26, H3HV5~H3HV26, H4HV7~H4HV26
- Technical Data(kN·m): 2.9~900
- Gear Ratio: 1.25~450
- Input Power(kW):5.5~4400
Modalan rim faighinn
Transmission stage | Co-mheas(i) | Models |
H1 | 1.25 – 5.6 | H1HV3, H1HV5, H1HV7, H1HV11, H1HV13, H1HV15, H1HV17, H1HV19 |
H2 | 6.3 – 28 | H2HV4, H2HV5, H2HV6, H2HV7, H2HV8, H2HV9, H2HV10, H2HV11, H2HV12, H2HV13, H2HV14, H2HV15, H2HV16, H2HV17, H2HV18, H2HV19, H2HV20, H2HV21, H2HV22, H2HV23, H2HV24, H2HV25, H2HV26 |
H3 | 25 – 112 |
H3HV5, H3HV6, H3HV7, H3HV8, H3HV9, H3HV10, H3HV11, H3HV12, H3HV13, H3HV14, H3HV15, H3HV16, H3HV17, H3HV18, H3HV19, H3HV20, H3HV21, H3HV22, H3HV23, H3HV24, H3HV25, H3HV26 |
H4 | 90 – 450 | H4HV7, H4HV8, H4HV9, H4HV10, H4HV11, H4HV12, H4HV13, H4HV14, H4HV15, H4HV16, H4HV17, H4HV18, H4HV19, H4HV20, H4HV21, H4HV22, H4HV23, H4HV24, H4HV25, H4HV26 |
Seòrsa agus Sònrachadh
Suidheachadh stàladh
Structure Drawing
H3HV12 Parallel Shaft Helical Gear Box
H3SH6 Parallel Shaft Helical Gearbox
H3SH12 Helical Reduction Gear Box
Parallel shaft helical industrial gearboxes air an cleachdadh gu farsaing ann an gnìomhachas aotrom, biadh, lionn is dibhe, gnìomhachas ceimigeach, sreapadan, uidheamachd stòraidh fèin-ghluasadach, togail, innealan, meatailteachd iarann is stàilinn, dèanamh pàipear, innealan panail stèidhichte air fiodh, saothrachadh chàraichean, innealan tombaca, glèidhteachas uisge, clò-bhualadh agus pacadh, cungaidh-leigheis, aodach-fighte, stuthan togail, loidsistigs, innealan biadhaidh, dìon na h-àrainneachd agus raointean eile.