H1HH H2HH H3HH H4HH Parallel shaft helical Gearbox

H1HH H2HH H3HH H4HH Parallel Shaft Helical Industrial Gearbox

Tæknilegar breytur:

Tiltækar gerðir H1HH03~H4HH26
Hlutfall 1,25 ~ 450
Inntaksstyrkur 5,5 ~ 4400 kW
Max tog 2,9 ~ 900 Kn.M


H Series industrial helical parallel shaft gear units are high-quality gearboxes for heavy-duty industrial applications. All mechanical parts are analyzed with state-of-the-art software to guarantee their reliability. We also offers tailored solutions for specific applications.

H series helical parallel shaft industrial gearboxes have been introduced to meet the requirements of today’s demanding applications in the medium and heavy-duty sector of the power transmission market. The purpose of using the parallel shaft gearbox is to reduce the speed and increase the torque. It is suitable for high-speed axle speed not more than 1500 rpm, gear drive circumferential speed not more than 20 m/s, working environment temperature is -40℃~+45℃. The gearboxes are compact, totally enclosed and are designed for direct mounting to ensure highest precision positive drive and permanent alignment minimizing space requirement and layout problems. H series parallel shaft helical gearbox offers unlimited installation flexibility.


  • Samþykkja bjartsýni mát hönnun.
  • Samhliða úttaksform.
  • Dreifingarferill flutnings togsins er frábær, hentugur fyrir þungar álagsaðstæður.
  • Það samþykkir háþróaða mala tækni og lögun breytingatækni, sem hefur mikla burðargetu, áreiðanlegan rekstur og litla hávaða.
  • Kassinn er gerður úr hágæða steypu til að bæta vélrænan styrk og skjálftaafköst lækkunarinnar.
  • Fjölmargir festingarmöguleikar eru í boði.


  • Sendingarstig: stakt stig, 2 stig, 3 stig, 4 stig.
  • Festing: Lárétt fest, lóðrétt fest
  • Parallel Input: shaft with key-way, IEC flange;
  • Samhliða framleiðsla: Solid Shaft, Hollow Shaft (Flat Key, Shrink Disk, Inforut
  • Shaft arrangment: A,B,C,D (detailed please check FLK drive parallel shaft helical industrial gearbox catalogue)
  • Stillingarmöguleikar: Með hjálpargeymi, með olíudælu, með kælingu viftu, með baki, með vökvatengingu, með gíreiningasveiflu

Technical Data

  • Stærð: H1SH03 ~ H4SH26
  • Tæknileg gögn (Kn · m): 2,9 ~ 900
  • Gírhlutfall: 1,25 ~ 450
  • Inntaksstyrkur (KW) : 5.5 ~ 4400
  • Housing material: HT250 high-strength cast iron
  • Housing hardness: HBS190-240
  • Gear material: 20CrMnTi alloy steel, other materials requested: 17CrNi2Mo, 20CrNi4A
  • Surface hardness of gears: HRC58-62
  • Gear core hardness: HRC33-40
  • Input / Output shaft material: 42CrMo alloy steel
  • Input / Output shaft hardness: HRC25-30
  • Heat treatment: tempering,cementiting,quenching.etc.
  • Machining precision of gears: accurate grinding, 6-5 Grade
  • Noise (MAX): 60~68dB
  • Lubricating oil: GB L-CKC220-460, Shell Omala220-460
  • Temp. rise (MAX): 40°C
  • Efficiency: 94%~96% (depends on the transmission stage)
  • Temp. rise (Oil)(MAX): 50°C
  • Backlash: ≤20Arcmin
  • Vibration: ≤20µm

Tiltækar gerðir

H Series Hlutfall B Series Hlutfall
H1 (1 Stage) 1.25~5.6
H2 (2 Stage) 6.3 ~ 28 B2 (2 Stage) 5 ~ 18
H3 (3 Stage) 22.4 ~ 112 B3 (3 Stage) 12.5 ~ 90
H4 (4 Stage) 100 ~ 450 B4 (4 Stage) 80 ~ 400
Sendingarstig Hlutfall (i) Módel
H1 1.255.6

H1HH3, H1HH5, H1HH7, H1HH11, H1HH13, H1HH15, H1HH17, H1HH19

H2 6.328

H2HH4, H2HH5, H2HH6, H2HH7, H2HH8, H2HH9, H2HH10, H2HH11, H2HH12, H2HH13, H2HH14, H2HH15, H2HH16, H2HH17, H2HH18, H2HH19, H2HH20, H2HH21, H2HH22, H2HH23, H2HH24, H2HH25, H2HH26

H3 25112

H3HH5, H3HH6, H3HH7, H3HH8, H3HH9, H3HH10, H3HH11, H3HH12, H3HH13, H3HH14, H3HH15, H3HH16, H3HH17, H3HH18, H3HH19, H3HH20, H3HH21, H3HH22, H3HH23, H3HH24, H3HH25, H3HH26

H4 90450 H4HH7, H4HH8, H4HH9, H4HH10, H4HH11, H4HH12, H4HH13, H4HH14, H4HH15, H4HH16, H4HH17, H4HH18, H4HH19, H4HH20, H4HH21, H4HH22, H4HH23, H4HH24, H4HH25, H4HH26

Tegund og tilnefning

HB flender Industrial Gearbox gerð

Mounting Position (industrial gearbox)

HB flend

Uppbygging teikning

HB Series Industrial Gearbox uppbygging

Mát hönnun

Samhliða skaft gíreining Modular Design


H3HV12 Parallel Shaft Helical Gear Box
H3SH6 Parallel Shaft Helical Gearbox
FLK H3SH12 Helical Reduction Gear Box


H series parallel shaft industrial gearboxes are widely used in light industry, food, beer and beverage, chemical industry, escalators, automatic storage equipment, construction, machinery, iron and steel metallurgy, paper-making, wood-based panel machinery, automobile manufacturing, tobacco machinery, water conservancy, printing and packaging, pharmaceutical, textile, building materials, logistics, feed machinery, environmental protection and other fields.

Fyrir allar upplýsingar, fyrirspurnir eða spurningar, vinsamlegast ekki hika við að hafa samband við okkur. FLK Drive er alltaf til þjónustu þíns.

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