S series worm helical gearmotors are helical/helical-worm combinations, so they are more efficient than normal helical-worm gear units. Due to their outstanding efficiency, these drives can be used in every industrial sector and tailored to individual torque and speed requirements. The reduction ratios afforded by the helical-worm gear stage and the low noise levels during operation make these gearmotors ideal low-cost solutions for simple applications.

With the torque ranges from 92 Nm to 4,000 Nm and power rating of 0.18KW~22KW, the worm helical gear units yield a higher efficiency than pure worm gear units. In addition, the S series gear units are quiet during operation.

Basic models: S37, S47, S57, S67, S77, S87, S97

웜 헬리컬 기어 모터 바느질
Worm Gearbox with IEC Flange
SHF87 Worm Reduction Gearbox with IEC Flange
SF67 SF77 worm helical gearmotor SEW standard
SF67 Flange Mounted Helical Worm Gear Motor
토크 암이 장착 된 SAT 시리즈 중공 웨이트 웜 기어 모터
Hollow Shaft Torque Arm Mounted Worm Helical Gearmotor
S worm helical gearmotor
SA hollow shaft helical gearmotor
SAF hollow shaft flange mounted worm helical gearmotor
SF flange mounted worm helical gearmotor