RM series Flange-mounted with extended bearing hub Inline Helical Geared Motor

Model RM57, RM67, RM77 , RM87, RM97, RM107, RM137, RM147, RM167
Pomer 3.37~229.31 (imax:18126)
Vstupný výkon 0.12~160 kW
Output torque 130~18000 N.m


RM series helical gearmotors with extended output bearing hub are a special type of helical gearmotor. They were designed especially for agitating applications and allow for high overhung and axial loads and bending moments. Extended bearing handles large overhung loads for use in mixers and agitators.

Formulár produktu

  • Transmission Stage: single stage, two stages, 3 stages or multi-stage combination.
  • Assembly Form: Foot mounted, Flange mounted, B14 small flange mounted, with extended output bearing hub for agitator.
  • Output Shaft: Solid shaft.

Technické dáta

  • Size: R37~R167
  • Technical Data(N·m): 130~18000
  • Gear Ratio: 3.37~229.31 (imax:18126)
  • Input Power(kW):0.12~160

Input Power Rating and Max Torque


R17 R27 R37 R47 R57 R67 R77 R87 R97 R107 R137 R147 R167



Vstupný výkon (kw)

0.18-0.75 0.18-3 0.18-3 0.18-5.5 0.18-7.5 0.18-7.5 0.18-11 0.55-22 0.55-30 2.2-45 5.5-55 11-90



3.83-74.84 3.37-135.09 3.41-134.82 3.83-167.65 4.39-189.69 4.29-165.48 5.21-195.24 5.36-246.54 4.49-264.42 5.06-245.5 5.15-223.34 5.00-163.46


Maximálny krútiaci moment (N.m) 85 130 200 300 450 600 820 1550 3000 4300 8000 13 000

18 000

Single-stage Veľkosť
57 67 77 87 97 107
RX.. Foot-mounted single stage inline helical gearmotor RX57 RX67 RX77 RX87 RX97 RX107
RXF.. Flange-mounted single stage inline helical gearmotor RXF57 RXF67 RXF77 RXF87 RXF97 RXF107
Multi-stage Veľkosť
17 27 37 47 57 67
R.. Foot-mounted coaxial helical gearmotor R17 R27 R37 R47 R57 R67
R..F Foot-mounted and flange-mounted coaxial helical geamotor R17F R27F R37F R47F R57F R67F
RF.. Flange-mounted coaxial helical geamotor RF17 RF27 RF37 RF47 RF57 RF67
RM.. Flange-mounted with extended bearing hub coaxial helical geamotor RM17 RM27 RM37 RM47 RM57 RM67
Multi-stage Veľkosť
77 87 97 107 137 147 167
R.. Foot-mounted coaxial helical geamotor R77 R87 R97 R107 R137 R147 R167
R..F Foot-mounted and flange-mounted coaxial helical geamotor R77F R87F R97F R107F R137F R147F R167F
RF.. Flange-mounted coaxial helical geamotor RF77 RF87 RF97 RF107 RF137 RF147 RF167
RM.. Flange-mounted with extended bearing hub coaxial helical geamotor RM77 RM87 RM97 RM107 RM137 RM147 RM167

Typ a označenie

R series inline helical gearmotor type designation

  1. Priamo pripojený obmedzovač rýchlosti motora: RF- F- 107- 92.7- Y- 5,5 kW- 4P- M1- J1- 350
  2. Directly-connected motor Speed reducer(Combination type): RF- F- 107- RF- F77- 92.7- Y- 5,5 kW- 4P- M1- J1- 350
  3. With motor and input flange: RF- F- 107- 92.7- AM132B5- Y- 5,5 kW- 4P- M1- 350
  4. Input flange-mounted, without motor: RF- F- 107- 92.7- AM132B5- M1- 350
  5. With input shaft: RF- F- 107- 92.7- AD4- M1- 350

AM132B5: Rozmer IEC príruby (pozri náš katalóg)
AD4: Vstupný hriadeľ (AD1, AD2, AD3, AD4, AD5, AD6, AD7, AD8)

Kód motora:

*Y: Štandardné 3-fázové motory
*YB: Motory odolné proti výbuchu
* YEJ: Brzdové motory
*YD: Viacrýchlostné motory
* YVP: Motory s premenlivou frekvenciou
*YCT: Elektromagnetické motory na reguláciu rýchlosti
*YR: Žeriavové a metalurgické motory
*YVPEJ: Variabilné frekvenčné a brzdové motory
*YG: Motory valčekových stolov
*YGPEJ: Variabilná frekvencia a motory bŕzd a valčekových stolov

Montážna poloha

R series inline helical gearmotor mounting position

Poloha svorkovnice motora

R series inline helical gearmotor terminal box position

Výkres štruktúry

Modulárny dizajn

Čínsky výrobca modulárneho dizajnu špirálových prevodových motorov

Obrázky produktov

RM87 helical gearmotor for agitator
RM77 helical gearmotor for agitator
RM67 helical gearmotor for agitator


RM series helical gearmotors are widely used in light industry, food, beer and beverage, chemical industry, escalators, automatic storage equipment, construction, machinery, iron and steel metallurgy, paper-making, wood-based panel machinery, automobile manufacturing, tobacco machinery, water conservancy, printing and packaging, pharmaceutical, textile, building materials, logistics, feed machinery, environmental protection and other fields.

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